Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Shower talk.

So general update, I've been REALLY sick. I mean I thought I'd have to be hospitalized sick. Throwing up more than ten times a day, no fluids kept down, just horrible. I had a cold and my normal pregnancy queesieness. My Dr thought it would get better as the cold cleared up and she was totally right, I feel pretty ok today, still a bit shakey but ok. Kept down some stuff.

So I was writing on my other blog about how I want to have a shower this baby. And how I'm going to do this as the theme. What do you think? I love it.

Speaking of showers and buying stuff. I got this booklet about all the crap you are supposed to buy. Kindly put out by the selfless corporation Babies R US because they just want me to have what I need. *ha* Anyhow it was silly. And I remember with Stephen totally living by that thing. "I HAVE to have seven side snap shirts, I don't know what the heck for but The List says I need them." So here is my true list of the crap you need .

  • 20 or more onesies.
  • 20 or more sleepers. (more if it's winter)
  • One or two "cute outfits" to show your baby off in
  • Like 4 socks, the baby is going to just loose them anyhow.
  • As many as possible of the soft stretchy blankets. These are to wrap your baby up in, they like that, also when you are at a friends and your baby needs to be put down you can use them for that.
  • Those soft little pants, like 4 pair. You can pull them on with the onsies and call it an outfit.
  • an ungodly amount of burp cloths. We usually just get the prefold cloth diaper ones. But Stephen was a spit up kid, we needed like 15 per DAY, not kidding. Ethan barely spit up and could have used 4 super cute ones. Hard to know, get one cute pack, but be ready to get 50 cheap ones right after birth.
  • binkies. (pacafiers) I know it's controversial but I won't live without them. Ethan actually didn't take to his, he did finger sucking for a while, then just nothing. Ethan was a CRAZY easy baby though and didn't need one.
  • A good carseat
  • a stroler (no lie I went like 6 months without one, just carrying the carseat around. Because I'm a crazy cheap idiot) I like one that the carseat can just snap into. Cars make babies fall alseep, this way you don't have to wake them up. NEVER WAKE UP A BABY.
  • A boppie is nice, esp. if you are going to nurse. You CAN use a pillow though so don't let anyone MAKE you get one.
  • A swing or bouncer. Don't bring your baby home until you aquire this item. You will never shower until you get one. NEVER.

Things you do not need to buy:

  • hats. I mean I don't, I live in Florida, it's just not that cold. And they don't stay on. Except the ones they use in the hospital, those are great, STEAL AS MANY AS YOU CAN. You can't buy those elsewhere.
  • side button t shirts. Babies have weird fat tummies that will constantly stick out of these. I'm quite sure this is why the onsies were invented.
  • shoes. I mean how cute are they! But totally silly. People who can't walk don't need shoes. Well I guess people who are in wheel chairs can certainly choose to use them, but babies don't need them
  • link-a-do's . People had totally convinced me I HAD to have these. Neither of my kids cared and I hated the weird plastic rattle noise.
  • toys. I mean later you will need them, but all they do when they are newborn is stare at you, cry, eat and sleep. I will admit I'm letting each of my boys pick the new baby a toy and buy it for him or her, but that's more of a brother bonding thing. Babies don't need toys at first. And you could go broke with all the cool stuff.
  • educational videos. Ohmyheck the waste of money!
  • That mirror you can mount up to see your baby's face when they are in the rear facing carseat. I loved this mirror. LOVED it. But got tired of everyone on earth telling me it was going to smash my baby's face in and kill him. I mean random strangers would stop me to tell me this news. It's not even glass people! It's flexable plastic. It's not like I'm keeping a pit viper in the back seat with the baby, it's a small piece of plastic. But I took it down because it pisses me off when strangers talk to me about stuff like that. (going to do a whole nother post about random things people feel they need to say to you while you are pregnant or have a new baby)

Any other essentials you can think of? Or total wastes of money?

1 comment:

TJ said...

NEEDS: A good side sleeper for the baby (it goes in his crib and keeps him from rolling out of position), a LIGHTWEIGHT stroller, black out window shades for the nursery, a small low wattage lamp for the nursery so when you go in at night you don’t have to turn the big light on. Vinyl backed bibs, water proof lap mats. Those blue diaper bags from Wal-Mart (I know, I know) but they work GREAT for poopy diaper disposal. Mylicon Drops (wish I could have bought them in bulk). Cloth Diapers (I didn’t use them as diapers … but they are awesome for everything else and I still use them as dustcloths.) We had these little socks/shoe things. Can’t remember where we got them but they were like a sock but they wrapped around and velcroed together so the baby’s feet don’t get cold and they can’t kick them off. We had a “Gymini”… it was a little playmate that had a thing across the top with toys that hung down. Baby bathtub. Disposable changing pads. That’s what I kept in my diaper bag. Couldn’t stomach the thought of putting a pad that was used in a public place BACK into my diaper bag … ewwwww.

DON’T NEED: Diaper Genie. GROSS. Use the blue bags, throw them in the main garbage. Don’t keep that stink in your baby’s room. High chair – never had one, my kids survived and I had more room in my kitchen. I fed them in their bouncy seat till they were old enough to sit in a booster. Those big stroller/car seat systems. Way too heavy and too bulky.

There’s prolly more but that’s all I can think of at the moment.