Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Boobie Smashing Day... I mean Valentines Day

So we don't do much for Valentines day. I make cards, of course, but I made them over the past few weeks, not today.

But guess what I WILL be doing today? Getting my girls smashed! Yes, ladies and gentlemen *and daddy* I'm getting my very first mamogram today! Hurray! It was spurred by a freaky lump I had. I ran right in to the Dr and had her feel it too. *because when you have a freaky lump it's important for as many people as possible to feel it* She said she's sure it's "areas of denser tissue" Isn't that darling? I knew I was dense and now my boobies are too. She found MORE areas of denser tissue for me to feel. It was a regular feel fest. I'm sure Brian was bummed to miss out. The Dr decided though that to totally put my mind at ease, as well as get a healthy baseline, it was time to get a mamogram!

So I get to shower in a few minutes, NOT put on lotion or deordorant *It's important to be dry and smelly when you get your boobies smashed, just to make sure you are as uncomfortable as possible* and drive cross town to get smashed. How super duper fun!

*yall said you wanted updates*
And now for pictures of everyone's favorite toddlers.

These kids are FREAKS over ceral. They love it! So every morning I check email and stuff like that while I watch this. ADORABLE. Ethan's a bit of a mess still *notice his nekkedness* but he gets the job done.

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