Sunday, April 11, 2010


Today is Stephen's fifth birthday! Yesterday we had a super fun party at the park! (that's me in yellow) Here are some of the party guests. And some parents too! Stephen collects ADORABLE little girls.
Here he is with more guests and a present he's opening. This present was from the much famed Lauren who he insists he will marry. Brian was the kid wrangler of the party, he's wrangling trash here.
Here is the Balloon Parade I lead the kids on after presents so that Brian and company could pack up the gazebo. (There were two other groups wanting it, they actually got in a fight when we left over who would get it)
Here is me and my BFF Roniece. That Atari logo I just noticed, I've been seeing that as grafitti around town actually. Must be something to that. More importantly don't we look cute!

Stephen got an amazing amount of presents! I'll try to list some:
A N Power Digital Media Player, it's a MP3 player that does video and games and music. - Kaya and Neesa
A remote control truck. - Hanna
A light saber. - Isaac
A set of bubbles that makes huge ones - Elenore
Some action figures - Lauren
A huge truck building kit - Andrew
Tons and tons of money - Gram, Nana, Grammy
Bakugon Trap deca - Ethan
A rat (had this for a while now but that's what's from us)

1 comment:

Shara said...

Happy Birthday Stephen! I can not believe our little boys are 5.